Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Psychological science №19

Title page


Serhii Bialonovych The theoretical and methodological basis of the study of the daily war-related stress and development of the “Ukrainian scale of the daily war stressors”

Serhii Harkavets, Larysa Volchenko The relationship between an individual’s desire for fame and their victim mentality characteristics

Grynchuk Bogdana, Astremska Iryna Variations in the life scenario of personalities who were raised in complete and incomplete families

Olha Dzhezhyk, Victoria Papinian Features of simultaneous teaching of the courses «General psychology» and «History of psychology»

Anastasia Dolgier, Olena Drozd Psychological features of students’ choice of coping strategies

Nataliya Zhyhaylo Psycho-corrective methods on the way rehabilitation of warriors

Andrii Kanalosh Formation of professional qualities of e-commerce manager

Rоksolana Karpinska, Valentyn Beliak Neurotic disorders in time of war and ways to overcome them

Alina Parasiei-Hocher, Lina Perelygina, Oleksii Kosolapov Self-fulfillment of migrants: impact of emigration on personality development and life satisfaction

Tetyana Partyko Emotional and volitional determinants of psychological well-being of an individual in the second year of the full-scale war

Mykhailo Tsymbaliuk Legal standards in business and management for the rehabilitation of demobilised from the armed forces and other military forms

Oleksandr Yudko, Myropoltseva Nina Features of the protective mechanisms‘ application in youth during martial status

Nadia Yavorska Рsychological consequences of captivity

Sofiia Kostiuk Diagnostics of a personal social responsibility: adaptation of the PSR scale (Davis, Rives, Ruiz de Maya, 2020)