Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Psychological science. Special Issue

Title page


Olena Volynchuk The state of psychological boundaries development and other teachers psychological qualities as a factor of eurоintegration orientation of Ukrainians

Liliia Hachak-Velychko Development of modern education in the conditions of European integration: psychological dimension

Zoriana Hnativ Development of the emotional culture of student youth by means of aesthetic education in today’s European integration conditions

Tetiana Gura, Oksana Kuznetsova, Oksana Roma Readiness of Ukrainian teachers to implement European practices in school education: psychological preconditions and features of development

Оlha Donchenko, Hanna Syzko The development of creative thinking of higher universities students in the context of being psychologically ready for work under the conditions of eurointegration

Nataliya Zhyhaylo, Iryna Dvuliat-Leshnevska, Nataliіa Meniv Activities of a medical psychologist with somatic diseases for the European integration process

Valeriy Zlyvkov The European integration vector of forming the military identity of Ukrainians

Rоksolana Karpinska, Valentyn Beliak Development of empathy of medical students in the conditions of war for the European integration process

Larysa Korobka Community identities in conditions of decentralization as a Eurointegration reform: problems of formation and interaction

Olha Lohvys Research on the emotional intelligence development of future teachers in the context of educational European integration

Svitlana Lukomska Psychological trauma peculiarities of the Russian-Ukrainian war in the context of European integration processes

Yana Ponomarenko Self-organization of police officers through the prism of European integration changes

Svitlana Denizhna, Margarita Sova Psychological aspects of creating a virtual educational space in the context of European integration

Olha Tkachenko Problems and prospects of the development of inclusive education in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine

Halyna Fedoryshyn, Oksana Chuyko Developing tolerance to uncertainty as an integral part of professional training of student psychologists in the framework of European integration

Viktoriya Khudaverdiyeva Psychological criteria in the structure of public administration models in the conditions of globalization and European integration of Ukraine

Mykhailo Tsymbaliuk, Nataliya Zhyhaylo Building stress resistance of students in the conditions of war for the legal and European integration process

Svitlana Shevchenko, Hanna Varina The formation of assertive behavior of students as a predictor of integration into the European educational space